By Sarah Melinger, Senior Consultant

Often in our roles as consultants we are asked, “What does fundraising beyond Covid-19 look like…what can we expect?” To determine what this meant to me I thought I should start by looking up the definition of the word “beyond.” The definition reads as follows:

Beyond – at or to the further side of; happening or continuing after.

I think “beyond” is entirely appropriate in this case. We are beginning to see hope of being on the other side of Covid-19 – and fundraising is still occurring and will continue as we move forward.

The questions continue to be, “How will we continue to approach this challenge? And can we turn it into an opportunity?”

What this time has reinforced for me is the need for sincere connection. In the past I perhaps did not treasure that casual interaction at the grocery store or the chance meeting at the post office. And I certainly took for granted dinners with my family and friends. Now, I value each opportunity to interact with someone – whether a close friend or a stranger…a donor or a client.

There are days when I am the cheerleader…and there are days when I need cheering on. I am ever so grateful to have connections in my life that allow me to be the giver and the recipient of support.

As I look ahead, not into some crystal ball but into my heart, I think that successful fundraising beyond covid-19 will continue to focus on the need for and appreciation of true connections with one another. That just may be the tide that carries us as we overcome the challenges and embrace the opportunities that await us…beyond COVID-19.

If you crave a sincere connection or need someone to be your cheerleader, call Let’s Build Hope: (314) 716-2496 or

#LBH #LetsBuildHope #FundraisingBeyondCovid19 #SincereConnection #MovingForward #CheeringYouOn!

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